As of September 2010, Diana is also a practitioner at the Body Lab Wellness Center in Endicott, N.Y.
Diana first was certified in hypnosis in 1993 from The International Association of Counselors and Therapist by Steven LaVelle, founder, owner and president of the Hypnodyne Foundation and she then trained for Past Life Regression with Robert Bridges, noted intuitive counselor in the Binghamton area. Diana then trained with and was certified by world renowned leading expert Brian L. Weiss, M.D. , author of Many Lives, Many Masters; Same Soul, Many Bodies; Through Time Into Healing; Mirrors of Time: Using Regression for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing, and four other books. Brian Weiss also appeared with Dr. Oz on Oprah in May of 2008, and then again in June of the same year.

Diana is conducting sessions both from her home in the Binghamton area a majority of the year, and in the Los Angeles (Santa Monica) area around two months of the year.

Diana later trained in Q.H.H.T. (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) with Delores Cannon. A technique which assists one to align, commune, heal, and receive guidance from ones own higher self / oversoul. To learn what this is, see and click on About, then QHHT

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My past life regression experience with Diana was truly eye opening. Diana’s voice is very calming and she really makes you feel safe. I saw many visions of my past lives, visions that felt so real. It surprised me to see so... (read more)

Diana kenyon is a master at past life regression therapy. First she ensures that you are physically comfortable and then guides you through a series of visualizations to ensure that your mind and body are relaxing... (read more)

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